Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So tomorrow is the big day!! March 24, 2010 is the day when our little lovebug will arrive into this world.
We had a doctor appt. yesterday and he told me that Libby is about 8 1/2 or maybe even closer to 9 lbs and he gave us all the pros and cons of each type of delivery. My cervix is still completely unfavorable for an induction. Our two choices were to wait it out (and have Libby continue to grow!) or schedule a c section. We feel very comfortable with our decison.
We'll wake up at 4 a.m., go into the hospital at 5 a.m., surgery is at 7:15 a.m., and we'll be meeting our baby at around 8 a.m.
My mom is flying in tonight and my dad is driving down tomorrow morning. They'll stay for a while and then both drive back. CJ and Lauren arrive April 5th and stay until the following Saturday. We'll have plenty of hands on deck and we'll need it with me being so sore after surgery.
We are above the moon and can't wait for tomorrow to come!

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