Monday, August 10, 2009

What a fun day !

Josh joined me this morning for our first official doctors appointment where we met our OB. Her name is Dr. Heron-Davis and she's wonderful. Around the 20th week they start to filter you through all six OB's b/c it isn't certain that Heron-Davis will deliver us. The exciting news is that I am back to my original due date, March 23rd, making me 8 weeks tomorrow. Love getting to add on one more week. She determined that my fibroid is the size of a golf ball, but she isn't too worried or concerned. She said many women have several. That put my mind at ease quite a bit. She is having us come back in on Wednesday to have another ultrasound, which we are both happy about. Josh is totally cute with all of this. I had told him that I read that in order for the doctor to take the husband seriously, he needs to act assertive and ask questions. Josh did a great job with asking questions, in fact, not sure I had any to ask after he was done ! :) Josh is thrilled to come back on Wednesday to see the baby. He didn't get to do that last time. I'll be sure to post a picture.
Meg and I went to Chit Chat Baby in Fort Mill, SC today. My mom had told us that she wants to buy our baby carriages. We both picked out the same carriage and love it. It's the Peg Perego, Switch. The part where the baby sits in and turns to face you or the opposite way. It's really wonderful.